Hair Loss Journey – Truth or Lie

When it comes to our outer appearances, we tend to pay a little bit more attention making sure we look and feel comfortable in our own bodies. Small things sometimes tend to disrupt this; one of which is hair loss.
It can surely be annoying to wake up one day and start noticing that your hair is thinning out and the hairline is receding. This is applicable to both men and women.
As the famous actor, Bruce Willis, once said, “Hair loss is God’s way of telling me I’m human.”
It is a normal part of human life to experience loss hair; but knowledge about it gives you the tools you need to overcome it and grow it back healthier and stronger.
The reasons why loss hair occurs are vast, ranging from hereditary age, Alopecia areata disease, cancer, childbirth, illnesses, and even stress. However, no matter what the reasons are that caused the hair to begin falling out, what is more important is that there are many ways to prevent and even minimize the intensity of loss until you find the solution and treatment that fits your condition.

Invest in your hair, it is a crown you never take off!
Now, let’s discuss some myths about hair loss. A lot of misguided information is spread about this condition. Do not believe everything you hear.
Hair loss is permanent
LIE. Not all hair loss is permanent! The typical hair loss among males ‘baldness is genetic and not reversible, but hair loss that is caused by something other than baldness patterns on the scalp are treatable, treatments can be as simple as using the correct shampoo and conditioner; Ducray offers a top-of-the-line shampoo and conditioner treatment for hair loss.
Wearing hats increases hair loss
LIE. Your hair follicles take in oxygen and nutrients to grow from the bloodstream and not from the air surrounding us. Wearing a hat does not affect hair loss. Some people wear hats to hide hair thinning, thus the myth about them promoting hair falling out began. Supplements for hair thinning can be accessible and highly effective.
Washing hair too often makes it fall out
LIE. Washing your hair as much as you want has no effect whatsoever on hair loss. You might notice hair falling out more during showering, but that hair would have fallen out anyway. A portion of our hair regenerates by falling out, so this is a normal process. Raise concerns when bald spots begin to appear. If your hair is thin and falling out, you can try the Ducray Neoptide Lotions for men and women which can help in preventing hair thinning and loss.
Stress causes hair fall
TRUTH. When it is said that stress makes hair fall out, we are not talking about everyday stress, but traumatic and life altering stressor that occur over a long period of time. Nevertheless, this type of hair loss is not permanent and can be cured with simple treatments and cosmetic products.
If you feel like your hair is falling off because of stress, try to limit stressors in your life while at the same time taking a hands-on approach with two Rene Furterer products specific for such cases; Triphasic reactional treatment and the Triphasic stimulating shampoo.
There are many products that can help minimise hair loss and give your hair the strength and help it needs to grow and prevent unnecessary fall outs. These products are easily accessible and have been dermatologically tested and proven to have bettering effects on this condition, if it is not hereditary.
Try them out now and choose from our wide selection of hair loss treatments.
Be confident, be beautiful!